Monday, June 25, 2012

EPI #1: Introductions

Before I start blogging cluelessly about making games, let me make a brief introduction for myself and for my project.

About me:  I'm a 22 year old web developer, straight outta college.  Strictly speaking, I studied Latin in college, but I spent a lot of time writing code, too.  I even wrote a whole music website once.  Regardless of my academic and professional interests, I play a lot of games.  And I tend to think critically about what I'm playing.  This means that as I play, I think about what I enjoy, what I don't enjoy, what I find annoying, etc.; in general, how the game could be improved in a patch, expansion, or sequel.  The next logical  step (to me, anyways) from there is to put all my ideas in one place and actually create something.

About the project:  The Tempest: Escape from Prospero's Island (henceforth abbreviated as EPI) started life  today as a challenge to Facebook.  I have 21 days before I start a real job at a real company, and I want to do something cool with it.  I've never written any part of a game before, so hopefully I'll learn a lot and maybe even have something to show for my effort.  EPI will also be challenging because I'm not particularly skilled at art, music, or fiction.  In the games I like to play, these components are all as important (if not more important) than the gameplay mechanics themselves.  A good game should tell a compelling story in a fun way.  Players should always be excited to see, hear, read, and experience what comes next.  It is my goal to make EPI a good game.

I also ought to be clear about what I mean by "write a game in 21 days".  Writing a whole, complete game from scratch in 21 days is unreasonably ambitious.  So, as far as EPI is concerned, "write a game in 21 days" means that I hope to have a playable release by July 16th.

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